- D. Gaude-Fugarolas and Y. De Carlan.
Modelling precipitate distribution in reduced activation steels.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 374:109-115, 2008.
- M. Iker, D. Gaude-Fugarolas, P. J. Jacques, and F. Delannay.
Improvement of the mechanical properties of high manganese steels by
combination of precipitation hardening and mechanical twinning.
Advanced Materials Research, 15-17:852-857, 2007.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas and P. J. Jacques.
A new physical model for the kinetics of the bainite
ISIJ International, 46:712-717, 2006.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia.
A model for austenitisation of hypoeutectoid steels.
Journal of Materials Science, 38:1195-1201, 2003.
Back to Top
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"A comprehensive study of hydrogen redistribution and embrittlement prevention in ferrous alloys"
In Proceedings of the FIMPART'15 International Conference, 12-15 June 2015. Hyderabad, India.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Prediction of hydrogen damage in steels"
In Proceedings of the METAL2015 International Conference, 3-5 June 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Understanding hydrogen redistribution and designing a new hydrogen extraction method"
In Proceedings of the 3rd UK-China Steel Research Forum, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), 10-11 July 2014, (also published in Materials Today: Proceedings: March 2015).
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"On the effectiveness of baking as hydrogen embrittlement reduction treatment"
In Proceedings of the International Conference METAL2014, Bnro, Czech Republic, 21-23 May 2014.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Determining hydrogen saturation degree at trap sites and evaluation of a novel hydrogen removal treatment"
In Proceedings of the International Conference SteelyHydrogen 2014, Gent, Belgium, 5-7 May 2014.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Effect of microstructure and trap typology on hydrogen redistribution in steel"
In Proceedings of the International Conference METAL2013, Bnro, Czech Republic, 15-17 May 2013.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Modelización de la redistribución de hidrógeno durante colada de acero, y su extracción mediante enfriamiento direccional"
In Proceedings of the Congreso Nacional de Materiales 2012, Alicante, España, 30 May- 1 June 2012.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Interaction of prior deformation and heating rate on austenitisation kinetics"
In Proceedings of the International Conference METAL2012, Bnro, Czech Republic, 23-25 May 2012.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Modelling hydrogen redistribution and deep trapping, and considerations on a new method for hydrogen reduction"
In Proceedings of the International Conference EuroMat2011 in Montpellier, 12-15 September 2011.,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
Understanding hydrogen redistribution during steel casting, and its effective extraction by thermally induced up-hill diffusion
In Proceedings of the International Conference HSLA2011 in Beijing, 30 May - 2 June 2011.,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
Application of a physical model on interstitial diffusion to the issue of hydrogen damage during casting and forming of ferrous alloys.
In Proceedings of METAL2011, Bnro, Czech Republic, 18-20 May 2011,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
Hydrogen reduction during steel casting by thermally induced up-hill diffusion.
In Proceedings of METAL2010, Roznov pod Radhostem, Czech Republic,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas, N. Régent, and Y. De Carlan.
On the theoretical development of new creep resistant alloys and
their empirical validation.
In Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems, Workshop
Proceedings (Karlsruhe, Germany, 4-6 June 2007), OECD Nuclear Energy Agency,
- J. L. Séran, P. Billot, G. de Dinechin, L. Forest, M. T. Cabrillat,
O. Ancelet, D. Gaude-Fugarolas, Y. De Carlan, D. Pierron, and B. Riou.
Development of 9-12cr martensitic steels for future nuclear systems:
weldability studies, mechanical characterizations and specification
In Proc. HTR2006: 3rd International Topical Meeting on High
Temperature Reactor Technology. October 1-4, 2006, Johannesburg, South
Africa, 2006.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas, V. Yardley, J-M. Lardon, J. Montagnon, and Y. De Carlan.
Advanced alloy design tools applied to the development of vanadium
nitride strengthened high-temperature steels.
In Proc. 8th Liege Conference Materials for Advanced Power
Engineering. Liege, Belgium, volume 3, pages 1319-1328, 2006.
- M. Iker, D. Gaude-Fugarolas, P. J. Jacques, and F. Delannay.
Combination of twip effect and hardening by carbide precipitation in
austenitic steels with high manganese and carbon contents.
In Proceedings of Thermec 2006: International Conference on
processing & manufacturing of advanced materials, Vancouver. TMS, 2006.
- S. Ryelandt, D. Gaude-Fugarolas, J. Lecomte-Beckers, Sart-Tilman, and
F. Delannay.
Optimisation of Reinforcement Properties and Architecture in
Continuously Reinforced MMCs for High Thermal Conductivity, Low Thermal
Expansion Applications.
In Euromat 2005, Prague, 2005.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas and P. J. Jacques.
Modelling the kinetics of bainite transformation in steels.
In Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials 2005
- Phoenix (U.S.A.), 2005.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
Modelling phase transformations on steel during induction
In International Conference on ``Mathematical Modelling and
Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes'' - Crimea
(Ukraine), 2002.
Back to Top
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Understanding hydrogen behaviour in steels: diffusion, trapping, embrittlement risk and prevention"
In INVITED PLENARY LECTURE at CMEME2015 International Conference, 8-9 December 2015. Biskra, Algeria.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"A comprehensive study of hydrogen redistribution and embrittlement prevention in ferrous alloys"
In Proceedings of the FIMPART'15 International Conference, 12-15 June 2015. Hyderabad, India.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Prediction of hydrogen damage in steels"
In Proceedings of the METAL2015 International Conference, 3-5 June 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Understanding hydrogen redistribution and designing a new hydrogen extraction method"
Presented at 3rd UK-China Steel Research Forum, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), 10-11 July 2014, (also published in Materials Today: Proceedings: March 2015).
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"On the effectiveness of baking as hydrogen embrittlement reduction treatment"
Presented at International Conference METAL2014, Bnro, Czech Republic, 21-23 May 2014.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Determining hydrogen saturation degree at trap sites and evaluation of a novel hydrogen removal treatment"
Presented as poster at International Conference SteelyHydrogen 2014, Gent, Belgium, 5-7 May 2014.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Effect of microstructure and trap typology on hydrogen redistribution in steel"
Presented as poster at International Conference METAL2013, Bnro, Czech Republic, 15-17 May 2013.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Modelización de la redistribución de hidrógeno durante colada de acero, y su extracción mediante enfriamiento direccional"
Presented at Congreso Nacional de Materiales 2012, Alicante, España, 30 May- 1 June 2012.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Interaction of prior deformation and heating rate on austenitisation kinetics"
Presented as poster at International Conference METAL2012, Bnro, Czech Republic, 23-25 May 2012.,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
"Modelling hydrogen redistribution and deep trapping, and considerations on a new method for hydrogen reduction"
Presented at the International Conference EuroMat2011 in Montpellier, 12-15 September 2011.,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
Understanding hydrogen redistribution during steel casting, and its effective extraction by thermally induced up-hill diffusion
In Proceedings of the International Conference HSLA2011 in Beijing, 30 May - 2 June 2011.,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
Application of a physical model on interstitial diffusion to the issue of hydrogen damage during casting and forming of ferrous alloys.
In Proceedings of METAL2011, Bnro, Czech Republic, 18-20 May 2011,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas
Hydrogen reduction during steel casting by thermally induced up-hill diffusion.
In Proceedings of METAL2010, Roznov pod Radhostem, Czech Republic,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas, N. Régent, and Y. De Carlan.
On the theoretical development of new creep resistant alloys and
their empirical validation.
In Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems, Workshop
Proceedings (Karlsruhe, Germany, 4-6 June 2007), OECD Nuclear Energy Agency,
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas, V. Yardley, J-M. Lardon, J. Montagnon, and Y. De Carlan.
Advanced alloy design tools applied to the development of vanadium
nitride strengthened high-temperature steels.
In Proc. 8th Liege Conference Materials for Advanced Power
Engineering. Liege, Belgium, volume 3, pages 1319-1328, 2006.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas and P. J. Jacques.
Modelling the kinetics of bainite transformation in steels.
In Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials 2005
- Phoenix (U.S.A.), 2005.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
Modelling phase transformations on steel during induction
In International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and
Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes - Crimea
(Ukraine), 2002.
Back to Top
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
Computational Modelling of Steel Transformation Processes
Seminar presented at CRM (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica -- Campus Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
"Introduction to Materials Engineering Profession"
Seminar organised for AL KHEBRA Training Institute (KUWAIT), held in Barcelona.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
Welded pressure vessel; part 2: Duplex stainless steel weld metal.
Technical report, Cambridge University, for the Ministry of Defense
and BAE Systems (UK), 2008.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
Welded pressure vessel; part 1: Side-to-side variations in toughness.
Technical report, Cambridge University, for the Ministry of Defense
and BAE Systems (UK), 2008.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas and Y. De Carlan.
Progress report on the development of novel reduced activation
martensitic steels with improved creep properties for fusion reactors.
Technical report, EURATOM-CEA Association, 2006.
Fusion action of the European Commission-
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas and Y. De Carlan.
Intermediate report on the development of novel reduced activation
martensitic steels with improved creep properties for fusion reactors.
Technical report, EURATOM-CEA Association, 2005.
Fusion action of the European Commission-
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
Modelling of transformations during induction hardening and
PhD thesis, University of Cambridge. Department of Materials Science
and Metallurgy, Cambridge, 2002.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
STEM study of microstructure transformations in hot-worked copper.
Master's thesis, ETSEIB - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
(UPC) (Spain), 1999.
- D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
Micromechanical characterisation of damage in woven ceramic
Master's thesis, Lulea University of Technology (Sweden), 1998.
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