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Modelling Induction Hardening

A detailed example of modelling techniques applied to the materials science aspects of a manufacturing process.

By Daniel Gaude-Fugarolas

ISBN-13: 978-3-639-06296-0

Modern computational methods combined with sound scientiffic knowledge permit building models providing accurate physical descriptions of complex phenomena. The resulting descriptions are useful not only in pure scientific research but also in applied fields like engineering, biology, metereology and others.

This book introduces the results of a Cambridge University research project in which several modelling techniques were applied to a real-life engineering problem, the description of the complete set manufacturing process of a critical component for the automotive industry. The obtained model could then be used to better understand the governing parameters of the process and as a tool for its optimisation. Heat transfer physics, thermodynamics, kinetics of phase transformation, advanced statistical methods like neural networks and other were all used.

This book is aimed at anyone with a scientific or engineering background with and interest in applied modelling techniques. The general methodology can be applied to various subjects, not only engineering, and selected chapters could be used as a case study at undergraduate or postgraduate level.

Download the table of contents from here.

Available at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk!!

Nuclear Science Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS)

Workshop Proceedings - Karlsruhe, Germany 4-6 June 2007

Various Authors

ISBN-13: 978-9264048065

Contribution with the article:

On the theoretical development of new creep resistant alloys and their empirical validation

D. Gaude-Fugarolas, N. Régent, and Y. De Carlan.

In anticipation to the present revival of nuclear power, and to obtain more efficient, secure and environmentally-friendly power plants, new families of high temperature resistant, low activation materials are under development. This work presents an example of work performed at CEA during the development of novel ferrito-martensitic reduced activation alloys for Generation IV and Fusion applications.

In the past, the process of designing a new material was mostly heuristic, requiring re- peated experimental trial and error, but nowadays, synergies between the accuracy of current scientific knowledge in thermodynamics and transformation kinetics and increased computer capacity enables us to design successful new alloys using minimal empirical feedback. This work presents this comprehensive and multi-model approach to alloy and microstructure design. The CALPHAD method, thermo-kinetic modelling of precipitation reactions and artificial neural network analysis are combined in the development of new alloys having their compositions and microstructures optimised for maximum creep resistance.

To complete this work, a selection of the alloys designed have been cast and the results obtained during alloy design and the modelling of various heat treatments have been veri- fied. Optical and electronic microscopy have been used to characterise the microstructure. Uniaxial tensile tests have been used to measure the mechanical performance of the alloys presented at room, service and higher temperatures. The characterisation of the behaviour of the material in service conditions is underway with relaxation and creep tests.

Available at Amazon.com!!

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Patents obtained or in process

  • Awarded Patent (China): 2010800089104 Awarded: July 2014. D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
  • Awarded Patent (US): US 8,286,692 Awarded: 16th October 2012. D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
  • Awarded Patent (Spain): 200900505 Awarded: 30th November 2012. D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
  • Patent Application (European): 10708807 Examination phase. D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
  • Patent Application (Brazil): PI 1005819-2 Examination phase. D. Gaude-Fugarolas.

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Articles in peer-reviewed publications

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas and Y. De Carlan.
    Modelling precipitate distribution in reduced activation steels.
    Journal of Nuclear Materials, 374:109-115, 2008.

  • M. Iker, D. Gaude-Fugarolas, P. J. Jacques, and F. Delannay.
    Improvement of the mechanical properties of high manganese steels by combination of precipitation hardening and mechanical twinning.
    Advanced Materials Research, 15-17:852-857, 2007.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas and P. J. Jacques.
    A new physical model for the kinetics of the bainite transformation.
    ISIJ International, 46:712-717, 2006.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia.
    A model for austenitisation of hypoeutectoid steels.
    Journal of Materials Science, 38:1195-1201, 2003.

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Articles in conference proceedings

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Presentations at conferences

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Technical Reports, Seminars, Theses and Miscelanea

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
    Computational Modelling of Steel Transformation Processes
    Seminar presented at CRM (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica -- Campus Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
    "Introduction to Materials Engineering Profession"
    Seminar organised for AL KHEBRA Training Institute (KUWAIT), held in Barcelona.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
    Welded pressure vessel; part 2: Duplex stainless steel weld metal.
    Technical report, Cambridge University, for the Ministry of Defense and BAE Systems (UK), 2008.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
    Welded pressure vessel; part 1: Side-to-side variations in toughness.
    Technical report, Cambridge University, for the Ministry of Defense and BAE Systems (UK), 2008.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas and Y. De Carlan.
    Progress report on the development of novel reduced activation martensitic steels with improved creep properties for fusion reactors.
    Technical report, EURATOM-CEA Association, 2006.
    Fusion action of the European Commission- http://www-fusion-magnetique.cea.fr.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas and Y. De Carlan.
    Intermediate report on the development of novel reduced activation martensitic steels with improved creep properties for fusion reactors.
    Technical report, EURATOM-CEA Association, 2005.
    Fusion action of the European Commission- http://www-fusion-magnetique.cea.fr.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
    Modelling of transformations during induction hardening and tempering.
    PhD thesis, University of Cambridge. Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, 2002.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
    STEM study of microstructure transformations in hot-worked copper.
    Master's thesis, ETSEIB - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) (Spain), 1999.

  • D. Gaude-Fugarolas.
    Micromechanical characterisation of damage in woven ceramic composites.
    Master's thesis, Lulea University of Technology (Sweden), 1998.

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Last updated:
10th July 2018